WHERE:  Airlie Beach Bowls Club, Jubilee Pocket
WHEN:  Friday 6 September commencing at 5pm
WHY: To launch and celebrate Adrian Connor's  proud achievement of his         "AIRLIE BEACH MEMORIES"   DVD                                                               ….and also to farewell Allen and Barbara Southwood.
THE STORY: Adrian Connor was the "official" photographer at our Airlie reunion on 29 June. As a result of the spirit of the evening and the wealth of memorabilia that emerged, Adrian became passionate about using his excellent skills to edit and produce a memorable tribute to our history. He has literally spent hundreds of hours voluntarily researching, editing and combining all the diverse memorabilia into a cohesive, interesting and heart-warming DVD worthy of being treasured for many years to come.
COST: THE DVD - $20.00 - A combination of rare film footage, old photos, music recordings, reunion photos and voice over produced into a DVD.  
THE PHOTO DVD   - $10.00  -  A collection of reunion photos and early Airlie photos produced in a printable photo format. 
DVD & CD PACKAGE - $25.00                         
RSVP / ORDERS / QUESTIONS: Pam Pole 4946 1271 - 0448 870 482 - pampole@hotmail.com
RSVP FOR SAUSAGE SIZZLE & BOWLS GAME: Sandy - 0488 754 184 or 4946 7656
POSTSCRIPTS: In the course of working on our history, Adrian's car and his belongings were    vandalised and torched. This evening is therefore a community way of supporting Adrian in the spirit of the 1970s and 1980s.
 We also ask that you treat the Airlie Beach Memories DVDs with respect - and that you reward Adrian for his many hours of work by NOT copying them NOR placing them on the Internet. By not copying or sharing these DVDs you will allow Adrian the opportunity to be reimbursed for all his work by the DVD sales and to re-establish himself after his losses.

Pioneers of Whitsunday history DVD to be released

G'day all
Please find attached a notice that explains everything about the Whitsunday history DVD launch on Friday night
From the simple intention to record the June reunion on film – this great DVD project emerged.
We are getting the word around via the local papers and by word of mouth to friends.
However if you want to share this on YOUR old locals email list, please feel welcome.
The friends from far away who couldn't be here for the reunion might also be interested in buying the DVD
if you want to pass this information on to them.
Pam Pole
4946 1271
0448 870 482