If you are a teacher or environmental officer

If you are a teacher or environmental officer in Cannonvale, Proserpine, or the surrounding area this is an opportunity not to miss!!
The Speed Networking Meeting aims to achieve:
¢ Fast intensive 'one-on-one' conversation opportunities with other teachers and representatives from environmental organisations
¢ Sharing contact details with environmental officers for future projects and resources
¢ Problem solving of issues relating to current school-based projects
¢ Networking with other teachers and relevant community/environmental organizations on how to kick-start projects in schools and regions
¢ Action planning for future projects
WHITSUNDAY EPA - Queensland Parks & Wildlife
Cnr Shute Harbour & Mandalay St
Jubilee Pocket  Wednesday 24th February 2010 
Time  4.00pm - 6.00pm
(light refreshments will be provided 4.00pm - 6.00pm
For more information the Reef Guardian School Program visit www.reefed.edu.au/home/guardians
Please RSVP as soon as possible to:
o Carolyn Thompson
o GBRMPA Regional Liaison Officer - Central region
o Ph:  (07) 4951 3454
o Email: carolyn.thompson@gbrmpa.gov.au

Whitsunday Catchment Landcare meeting Feb 9

 Hello WCL Members
Please find attached the agenda for our next meeting on:Tuesday the 9th February at 6.00 p.m.
Proserpine Community Centre (next to council office in Herbert St, Proserpine).
Along with the the usual updates and chance for discussion, Sal Gray (Reef Catchments Mackay Whitsunday Inc) will be giving a short update and presentation on current/future activites in the Region.
As always, our meetings are open to the public, so feel free to bring along a guest and enjoy a chat over a tea, coffee etc. around start time.
Christine Peterson
Whitsunday Catchment Landcare
83-85 Main Street
PO Box 104
Proserpine Qld 4800
Ph: 07 4945 0267
Fax: 07 4945 0222

"LOVE and ROSES" St. Valentine's Dinner

"LOVE and ROSES"    St. Valentine's Dinner

Live Entertainment, Lucky Door, Exciting Prize Auctions, Sumptuous Buffet Meal, Great Time to be Enjoyed.

This event is In Aid of the NEW Community Centre Building Fund and proudly SUPPORTED by the newly formed PROSERPINE PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. Inc.

Cost....$55.00 double.....$30.00 single         

tickets available from Pros. Entertainment Centre ( 49452312 )

or Pros. Community Centre ( 49455915 )    BOOKINGS ADVISABLE.

 Pat Mengel,   Management Committee    Ph. 49451500

Yoga retreat to be held in the beautiful Whitsundays

Get in before everybody in Australia finds out!
Get ready for a great weekend this May!  This will be Staceys 3rd yoga retreat to be held in the beautiful Whitsundays.  This retreat is receiving great reveiws with national & local coverage so if you are interested please confirm your booking - (spaces are limited).. ....
Kundlini yoga is the new wave of yoga in the australian yoga world,  and it  is fast becoming the 'yoga to do'.  Why? Because the practice is so  powerful.... it incorporates healing for personal transformation.  Originally practised in Nepal Tibet & India by monks, spiritual leaders and royality this knowldge has only recently been released to everyday people like you & I.  So if you wish to try something new... Try kundalini Yoga.
This retreat will be great for advanced yogis & beginners. Time out for you or bring a friend/partner..... Check out the brochure attatched.
Please pass  this info onto your friends who may be interested in this retreat....feel free to call Stacey on 07 49 46 1978

Whitsunday Marine Stinger Committee

Good morning all,
The next Committee meeting was not scheduled to be held until 9th March, however in light of the number of stings and the headlines it is producing, it is important that the meeting be brought forward so the Committee can discuss the issue.
As such, the next meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th February, commencing at 10:00am at Tourism Whitsundays Boardroom. Your attendance at this meeting would be much appreciated as we will be discussing some very important issues so its important that we are sending out an accurate and balanced message in relation to marine stingers.
I will send out an agenda at a later date, however most of the meeting will be regarding the recent stings in the area.
Hope you had a nice festive season and looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Kind regards,
Dale Mengel
Cadet Environmental Health Officer
Whitsunday Regional Council
Mobile: 0488 710 756
Phone: (07) 4945 0687
Fax: (07) 4945 0222
Email: dale.mengel@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au
Website: www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au
Postal: PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800