WHERE:  Airlie Beach Bowls Club, Jubilee Pocket
WHEN:  Friday 6 September commencing at 5pm
WHY: To launch and celebrate Adrian Connor's  proud achievement of his         "AIRLIE BEACH MEMORIES"   DVD                                                               ….and also to farewell Allen and Barbara Southwood.
THE STORY: Adrian Connor was the "official" photographer at our Airlie reunion on 29 June. As a result of the spirit of the evening and the wealth of memorabilia that emerged, Adrian became passionate about using his excellent skills to edit and produce a memorable tribute to our history. He has literally spent hundreds of hours voluntarily researching, editing and combining all the diverse memorabilia into a cohesive, interesting and heart-warming DVD worthy of being treasured for many years to come.
COST: THE DVD - $20.00 - A combination of rare film footage, old photos, music recordings, reunion photos and voice over produced into a DVD.  
THE PHOTO DVD   - $10.00  -  A collection of reunion photos and early Airlie photos produced in a printable photo format. 
DVD & CD PACKAGE - $25.00                         
RSVP / ORDERS / QUESTIONS: Pam Pole 4946 1271 - 0448 870 482 - pampole@hotmail.com
RSVP FOR SAUSAGE SIZZLE & BOWLS GAME: Sandy - 0488 754 184 or 4946 7656
POSTSCRIPTS: In the course of working on our history, Adrian's car and his belongings were    vandalised and torched. This evening is therefore a community way of supporting Adrian in the spirit of the 1970s and 1980s.
 We also ask that you treat the Airlie Beach Memories DVDs with respect - and that you reward Adrian for his many hours of work by NOT copying them NOR placing them on the Internet. By not copying or sharing these DVDs you will allow Adrian the opportunity to be reimbursed for all his work by the DVD sales and to re-establish himself after his losses.

Pioneers of Whitsunday history DVD to be released

G'day all
Please find attached a notice that explains everything about the Whitsunday history DVD launch on Friday night
From the simple intention to record the June reunion on film – this great DVD project emerged.
We are getting the word around via the local papers and by word of mouth to friends.
However if you want to share this on YOUR old locals email list, please feel welcome.
The friends from far away who couldn't be here for the reunion might also be interested in buying the DVD
if you want to pass this information on to them.
Pam Pole
4946 1271
0448 870 482

Bicycle Courier: cycling news


Bicycle Courier: an update on cycling activities happening in and around the Whitsundays.  Email not displaying correctly?
View it in your browser.



Excitement is building for the 2013 SPORTSPOWER Airlie Beach Triathlon to be held on Sunday September 1st.
Participants can choose between the traditional Sprint distance race, the new Enticer, or a team in either race!

There are a number of training groups you can join to get ready - particularly the new SPLASH N DASH. The first of these is being held TODAY from 3.30pm at Cannonvale School Pool.

Join us this week

FRI 3:30pm - 4:30pm Splash N Dash
 SAT 6:30am - 7:30am Saturday Road Ride
 TUE 4:30pm - 6:30pm MTB Social Ride
 THUR 4:30pm - 6:30pm MTB Social Ride


Whitsunday MTB Club

Tue & Thurs
4.30pm rides

A social and friendly bunch of off-road riders that love getting dirty as well as trail advocacy and development! We're a new club and super passionate about building a social and fun community!

Whitsunday Triathlon Club

Whether you are a seasoned triathlete moving into town or visiting on holiday or someone who has never tried the sport but woud like to give it a go; pick up the phone and give us a call, you can rest assured we will go out of our way to make you welcome!

Whitsunday Running Club

We are a group of enthusiastic runners, of all ages and abilities, mostly looking for some motivation, encouragement, inspiration, training partners and a disciplined training program; overall a social environment in which to train and get fit!

Awesome Demo Day! 
Check out the latest news from our Demo day at Brandy Creek on Ride Whitsundays blog!

Copyright © 2013 Ride Whitsundays, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you expressed an interest in cycling in Airlie Beach

Our mailing address is:
Ride Whitsundays
41/226 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale, Queensland, Australia
Airlie Beach, QLD 4802

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Ute, boot and fruit. Timber and aarrt!

Community Centre

Ute, boot and fruit - Timber and aarrt!

Plants, flowers, by the car load

in the grounds of the "Carbon Store"
1697 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale,  49471900
Sunday 7-12 Aug 11th & 25th
2nd & 4th Sunday Every Month
BBQ Breakfast thanks to
"Men's Shed Airlie Beach"
Info -  49471900

71st Flower Show & Fete

Proserpine/Whitsunday Uniting Church


71st Flower Show & Fete

Everyone is invited to the 71st Annual Uniting Church Flower Show& Fete, to be held on Saturday 7th September at the Proserpine Entertainment Centre from 10 AM till 2:30 PM.

People from all over the district are welcome to enter their flowers, pot plants, orchids, fruit, vegetables or cooking to win one or more of the lovely trophies that are displayed in the Whitsunday Bakery windows. Entries can be made from 7-8 PM on Friday 6th September or until 8 AM on Saturday 7th September.

Schedules are available at Whitsunday Bakery,  Proserpine Pharmacy and Mitre 10.

You will be able to shop for lush plants, beautiful craft items, delicious cakes and biscuits (don't forget father's day). You will be welcome to relax enjoy a cuppa or lunch with your friends, while local artists entertain you.

Of course don't miss the fabulous Floral Art Display and as this year's theme is The Wizard of Oz & the Emerald City, there will be a wonderful Display of Peoples Collection of all things GREEN!

This year there will be a demonstration on the construction and care of BONSAI.

For the kids, is a competition to create a character or some part of the story from the "Wizard of Oz" on patty cakes, a brown paper bag or in LEGO. Prizes for each year level prep to yr 7.

Hope to see you there, Don't forget to Vote!

Adults $3 and under 12's free.

 Tina Hamilton

P:  +617 49483818

M: 0428 344 884


Whitsunday Library happenings

What's On at Beach Library, Cannonvale – week beginning 24 June 2013

Free Art and craft exhibition by Arilia Anmajtere (Women of our tribe), a collective of indigenous women originally from Northern Territory, now calling Whitsunday home.  Paintings on display are from the "Australia's Pantry" collection of bush tucker native to the Northern Territory. 

Thursday 27 June 2.30 p.m.  - Writers of the Whitsundays (WOW) Writers' Group monthly meeting

Tuesday  2 July 10.30 a.m.  Free Children's craft session – Making paper rockets  (5 yrs. & over) Bookings   not required

2.00 p.m. – Expression of interest meeting for forming monthly Book Club Group

Thursday 4 July 10.30 a.m. – Free Children's craft session – Making manga bookmarks (8 yrs. & over) Bookings not required.

Date Claimers:

Thursday 11 July 4.00 p.m. – 6.00p.m. - Free ABC Open Introductory Workshop with Dan Battley, ABC Open  journalist Mackay - (regular monthly workshops to followwith Dan available  to help upload individual projects) Bookings not required

Thursday 18 July 4.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. -   Free Job and Career Search Workshop  -  Fast track your job and career plans with helpful advice from Naomi Lawrence (C>IQ Career Intelligence). (Clients include Billabong, Queensland Rugby Union, Whitsunday Regional Council).  Bookings not required

For further information about any of these events please phone 49461366




School Holiday Program - Whitsunday Council Libraries

Wellll! here's the program's for the four council libraries.


School Holiday Program - Proserpine Library




Monday 24 June 10.00am - 11.00am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm


Friday 28 June 10.00am - 11.00am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm


Monday 1 July 10.00am - 11.00am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm


Friday 5 July 10.00am - 11.00am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm


Limit 10 - bookings essential


Every day: Board games, colouring in, Playstation, Wii games are also available for use.

iPad 2 - also available to children accompanied by adult library member


For more information or to make a booking please contact Proserpine Library 4945 0275.



School Holiday Program - Bowen Library 


Every day:  Internet, Wii, board games, activity sheets,


iPad 2 – also available to children accompanied by adult library member


Movie themed afternoons (times to be confirmed)


For more information please contact Bowen Library on 4761 3670.



School Holiday Program - Collinsville Library 


Every day:  Internet, Wii, Movies (G/PG rated only), board games, activity sheets,


For more information please contact Cllinsville Library on 4785 5366


Reminder: No Rhythm and Rhyme or Storytime during school holidays.  Sessions resume week beginning Monday 8 July.


Beach Library June-July School Holiday Activities


Every day:  Internet, Wii, Play Station 2, Movies (G/PG rated only), board games, activity sheets, listening station


iPad 2 – also available to children accompanied by adult library member


Week 1 of holidays


Tuesday 25 June        Craft session – Making Animal Finger Puppets


10.30 a.m.    (For children 8 years and over) Bookings not required.




Also Thursday 27 June - we have our monthly Writers' Group Meeting at 2.30 p.m. (Writers of the Whitsundays) for people interested in/working towards publication.


Perhaps you could mention this week and next?  People can phone us for more info. 49461366


Week 2 of school holidays


Tuesday 2 July           Craft Session - Making Paper Rockets


10.30 a.m.                   (For children 5 years and over - must be accompanied by adult if under 8 years) Bookings not required


Thursday 4 July        Craft Session – Making Manga Bookmarks


10.30 a.m. (For children 8 years and over) Bookings not required


For more information, or to book ahead for an activity, please phone 49461366           


Also on Tuesday 2 July we will be having "an expression of interest" meeting at 2.00 p.m. for people interested in being part of a Book Club Group.  (Flyer attached)  Would be great if you could also promote this for us.


Thanks Dan - we really appreciate the help you give the libraries.


Regards, Kerry


Kerry Dorman

Team Leader

Beach Library, Cannonvale


Whitsunday Regional Council

Phone: 07 4946 1799 Fax: 07 4946 1818

E-mail: kerry.dorman@whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au

Web: www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au

Postal address: PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800



Whitsunday Catchment Landcare activities

Dear WCL List
Please find below, information regarding our upcoming excursions and activities. If possible please inform of your intention to attend, so that we may contact you if needed.

Wednesday 19 June 8.30am to 12.00:  Walk, Talk and Weed morning

Where: Airlie Creek Walking Track

Why: Come along to help maintain some of our revegetation of the first section of the Airlie Creek Walk. Afterward take the walk up the rest of the track at a leisurely pace - the pace we take when we point out trees, shrubs or animals along the way.

Thursday 20th and 27th June 9am-12:  Plant Propagation morning

Where: Whitsunday Community Native Nursery, 33 Kelsey Creek Road, Proserpine

Why: Come along and help us sow seeds collected during our Wednesday excursions to Airlie Creek and Galbraith Creek and of course there are always other nursery activities.

Wednesday 26 June 8.30am to 12.00:  Riparian Revegetation Walk & Talk

Where: Galbraith Creek, Galbraith Park Drive, Cannonvale

Why: Find out which species are good for fast establishment of revegetation areas; help collect seed from our plantings for the community nursery for the next generation; help out with maintenance of some of our plantings.

For all of our outdoor activities please wear closed-in shoes and sensible sun wear and bring along a water bottle.


Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc.
83-85 Main Street
PO Box 104
Proserpine  Qld  4800
Ph: 07 4945 0267
Fax: 07 4945 0222


Two Cinema's for Airlie Beach and other stories

Hi Everyone

It has been over a month since I last sent out an email and there have been many changes both in town and personally for me.  

I have changed to First National Whitsunday Coast Real Estate Office. There were a number of reasons for this change but primarily, First National is Australia's biggest network of real estate offices with over 400 here and another 50 in New Zealand plus a few internationally. Because they are so big, they have really good systems and software in place including a fantastic buyer management programme that allows me to reach more potential buyers than I have been able to in the past.

Main Street Upgrade (plus a few other things)


Two Cinema's for Airlie Beach


Really good article by Andrew Winter for people selling their property


Medium Rentals March 2013


Current Listings – Phone me on 0402 142 075 for more information or if you are looking for something specific


If you would like to know how much your property is worth in today's market give me a call. Even if you are not selling, it is worth knowing your insurances is at the level it should be and it costs nothing to do.

Kind Regards

Sharon Dewsbury  

0402 142 075






Mob 0402 142 075 Ph 07 4948 3456 Fax 07 4948 3193

Email sharon@isellairliebeach.com.au  Web www.fnwhitsundaycoast.com

94/21 Shute Harbour Rd, CANNONVALE QLD 

Come celebrate with us! - This Sunday




Following calls for expressions interest in reactivating writers' groups, an initial meeting will be held at Beach Library Cannonvale on Thursday 30 May at 2:00 p.m. to decide future venue options and days/time for meetings. The library previously hosted two groups – Creative Ink, for recreational writers, and Writers of the Whitsundays (WOW), for published and aspiring authors, and is happy to provide the opportunity for interested writers to get together to exchange ideas, critique efforts, and share insights on all things writing.

With the 4th annual Whitsunday Writers' Festival just around the corner in July at Coral Sea Resort, and the reintroduction this year of Queensland Literary Awards and associated grant incentives for emerging writers, it is a good time to dust off the pens and get those creative ideas down on paper.

For further information, or if you would like to be part of a group, but are unable to attend the initial set up meeting, please phone Beach Library 49461366 to have your name added to contact list for future meetings and events.

New Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach

New Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach
Over forty people, mainly business owners, met in Airlie Beach last night (Thursday May 23) and formed a new Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach.
The group unanimously voted for an interim committee who will report back to the group.
The spokesperson and interim Chair is Heidi Ward 0407 774 673

Morning Tea Reminder

One way you can make a difference today.

Come along to the Carbon Store this morning for a Cuppa & Cake


Pay $5 for the Greatest Morning Tea, courtesy of "THE MENS SHED AIRLIE BEACH"

Hopefully there'll be a huge queue,(lots of people), allowing time for a bit of a chat.


10.30am start till 12.30


The Mens Shed are aiming at raising $5000

There are raffles and items to be auctioned (locally donated items)

The Bonsai club will have a Jumble table where all proceeds will be donated to the event.


Thank-you for your continued support.


Irene & Owen Bailey

in the grounds of  The Carbon Store  

Growing & Creating is our Passion !


Hell calls for reunion

On 29th June 2013 we are holding a reunion party for all those who were here in the 1970's and the 1980's at the Airlie Beach bowls club at a cost of $20 which includes finger food at 4pm
There will be live music and many old friends coming along and we would love to have you join us.
We are asking everyone coming to write a short history of their life and reasons for coming to Airlie when you did.
These facts will be put together in an eventual book so please send your info to me at
dalehell@hotmail.com for me to compile the stories which I know will be many and varied.
If you are coming please let us know at my email or phone 0416273598 for catering purposes

I remain yours sincerely

Dale Hell  1977-2013


Hi Guys! Hope all is well.


 Paul and I would like to personally invite you to our first SOUP & JAM music night at THE NAKED CROCODILE CAFE tomorrow night Saturday the 20th of April.

Our great friends, Steve and Jen have re-opened the cafe and Paul has built an awesome little stage for us to run music nights in the intimate little boutique venue.


Entry of $25 includes your choice of hearty soups as well as fresh made breads.


You also get our amazing company!


As the venue is BYO it's a great opportunity to grab the esky, some friends and sit back and enjoy a great night of music.


For our first night we have Brian Fraser, an amazing finger-picking blues master, sharing his unique style of music with us from 7-10pm.


Coffee and sweets also available.


A maxi cab will also be available at 10:30 for those wanting to party on into town and we will cal Matt at the limo service for anyone wanting a private taxi.


see the link below and join our new website, which is under construction. If you are a fellow muso, pop you details in the artists form to be included in our up-coming gigs.


Please come along, we would love to see you there.


Love Paul and Mel

