Following calls for expressions interest in reactivating writers' groups, an initial meeting will be held at Beach Library Cannonvale on Thursday 30 May at 2:00 p.m. to decide future venue options and days/time for meetings. The library previously hosted two groups – Creative Ink, for recreational writers, and Writers of the Whitsundays (WOW), for published and aspiring authors, and is happy to provide the opportunity for interested writers to get together to exchange ideas, critique efforts, and share insights on all things writing.

With the 4th annual Whitsunday Writers' Festival just around the corner in July at Coral Sea Resort, and the reintroduction this year of Queensland Literary Awards and associated grant incentives for emerging writers, it is a good time to dust off the pens and get those creative ideas down on paper.

For further information, or if you would like to be part of a group, but are unable to attend the initial set up meeting, please phone Beach Library 49461366 to have your name added to contact list for future meetings and events.

New Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach

New Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach
Over forty people, mainly business owners, met in Airlie Beach last night (Thursday May 23) and formed a new Chamber of Commerce for Airlie Beach.
The group unanimously voted for an interim committee who will report back to the group.
The spokesperson and interim Chair is Heidi Ward 0407 774 673

Morning Tea Reminder

One way you can make a difference today.

Come along to the Carbon Store this morning for a Cuppa & Cake


Pay $5 for the Greatest Morning Tea, courtesy of "THE MENS SHED AIRLIE BEACH"

Hopefully there'll be a huge queue,(lots of people), allowing time for a bit of a chat.


10.30am start till 12.30


The Mens Shed are aiming at raising $5000

There are raffles and items to be auctioned (locally donated items)

The Bonsai club will have a Jumble table where all proceeds will be donated to the event.


Thank-you for your continued support.


Irene & Owen Bailey

in the grounds of  The Carbon Store  

Growing & Creating is our Passion !


Hell calls for reunion

On 29th June 2013 we are holding a reunion party for all those who were here in the 1970's and the 1980's at the Airlie Beach bowls club at a cost of $20 which includes finger food at 4pm
There will be live music and many old friends coming along and we would love to have you join us.
We are asking everyone coming to write a short history of their life and reasons for coming to Airlie when you did.
These facts will be put together in an eventual book so please send your info to me at for me to compile the stories which I know will be many and varied.
If you are coming please let us know at my email or phone 0416273598 for catering purposes

I remain yours sincerely

Dale Hell  1977-2013