Following calls for expressions interest in reactivating writers' groups, an initial meeting will be held at Beach Library Cannonvale on Thursday 30 May at 2:00 p.m. to decide future venue options and days/time for meetings. The library previously hosted two groups Creative Ink, for recreational writers, and Writers of the Whitsundays (WOW), for published and aspiring authors, and is happy to provide the opportunity for interested writers to get together to exchange ideas, critique efforts, and share insights on all things writing.
With the 4th annual Whitsunday Writers' Festival just around the corner in July at Coral Sea Resort, and the reintroduction this year of Queensland Literary Awards and associated grant incentives for emerging writers, it is a good time to dust off the pens and get those creative ideas down on paper.
For further information, or if you would like to be part of a group, but are unable to attend the initial set up meeting, please phone Beach Library 49461366 to have your name added to contact list for future meetings and events.