What's on at the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club

Bookings now for Vacation Care at the PCYC
The kids will have fun with the many activities in the safe environment at the Police Citizens Youth Club. PCYC is one of the largest Out of School Hours care providers in Queensland and consistently achieves the highest quality outcomes. Booking Info 4948 1144

"School's Out for Summer" Junior Disco Friday, December 14, 7 - 9 pm
Drop the kids off at the Whitsunday PCYC and enjoy a night out in Airlie Beach. Just remember to pick the kids up at 9.00 pm!

Our brand new gym is open - special rates - check for times

Boxing Circuits are popular - includes free crèche 9.30 am Monday and Thursday

PCYC Memberships now good until January 1 2009

The club will be closed from December 24 until January 2 although our new gym will be open on Saturday Dec 22, 8 am- noon and Sunday 23, 9 am - noon.

Details of all activities and a free email newsletter at

Nov 30, Arrival P&O Pacific Star

Arrival P&O Pacific Star, 1350 Passenger Capacity
8am - 4pm Friday November 30
If you have time to assist the Ambassadors on Friday, please contact Judi Dunn.
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Judi Dunn 0408 285 915 - email: dunnjk@bigpond.com
Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce

Nov 24, Book Launch Invitation

HOT OFF THE PRESS - The children¹s story "WHERE RAINBOWS LIVE" has been written and illustrated by Denise Vanderlugt.
It tells the story of Owhere rainbows live when they are not in the sky looking pretty. The illustrations are hand stitched quilts with the script embroidered onto linen.
Denise would love to see you at the Launch of her book "WHERE RAINBOWS LIVE" at her home, 83 Bennett Road, Strathdickie, Proserpine on Saturday, November 24, from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Yes, that is on Voting Day.
phone 4954 1326
Denise and Adriaan

Nov 29, EcoKids award presentation at PCYC

The Whitsunday PCYC EcoKids have won an award from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Reef Guardian program. The award will be presented at the PCYC on Thursday November 29 at 5 pm. All are invited to attend and enjoy free a sausage sizzle afterwards. There will be information about the 2008 EcoKids Youth Environment Awards.
More info at http://whitsundaypcyc.wordpress.com/
or phone 4948 1144

Dec 1, Find out which turtles nest on your beaches

Turtle Talk -- Saturday, December 1, Hydeaway Bay Caravan Park, 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Hear from Kerensa McCallie, Conservation Officer with Qld Parks and Wildlife Service.

Find out which turtles nest on your beaches. Learn how to identify species by the tracks they leave and the nests they build. Learn about the threats to these beautiful animals and the “do’s” and “don’ts” to help preserve them.

RSVP to Christine Peterson on 4945 0267 or wcl@whitsunday.qld.gov.au by 29/11/07

Coordinator, Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc.

Help gather information about our turtles and help conserve these visitors to our shore.

Get Involved in Turtle Watching

If enough interest exists from residents in our beach areas, Whitsunday Catchment Landcare will organise a local Turtle Watch to record turtle nesting activity (requiring everyday walking of the beaches during turtle nesting season) Training can be arranged through experienced Mackay Turtle Watch volunteers.
To register interest see us at our Turtle Talk or call Whitsunday Catchment Landcare.
To help raise awareness of turtle nesting and habitat issues, a number of signs will be installed in the Gloucester area.
These signs will be made possible with funding from Australian Government Envirofund
Christine Peterson on 4945 0267 or wcl@whitsunday.qld.gov.au by 29/11/07

Nov 22, Whitsunday Sportspark AGM

The AGM of the Whitsunday Sportspark Association will take place at the AFL Club 7 pm, November 22. Info 0417628939

Dec 2, Motorcycle Toy Run and Family Day

2007 Whitsunday PCYC Motorcycle Toy Run and Family Day
Sunday December 2,
2007 PCYC 12th Annual Toy Run Ride to Proserpine and return to PCYC, Show and Shine, Kids Jumping Castle, Live Band, Kids motorcycle 'Joy Rides' and Tug-O-War Tournament.
You or your company can contribute by: Getting together a Tug-O-War team. The Whitsunday Police and the Hamilton Island Motorcycle Club are already entered.
Join the Toy Run - entry $10 includes badge. Donate toys, blankets or canned food either at the PCYC or along the route of the Toy Run.
Entering the motorcycle show and shine.
Bring the whole family .
Supported by, Whitsunday PCYC, Hamilton Island Motorcycle Club, Queensland Police, Illusions, Whitsunday Shire Council.
Further information Geoff 0414594578 or Whitsunday PCYC 49481144

"Creating a Better World Through Better Education ™

"Creating a Better World Through Better Education ™
Educational Consultation Services for parents and children
Educational Problem Solving, Learning to read without failure,
Handwriting improvement, Study and test taking skills,
Stress management and relaxation exercises

Alfred H Gorman, Educational Psychologist

MA psychology, Graduate Diploma Education
Queensland Blue Card, Teachers College Lecturer,
School Psychologist, Educational Consultant
Initial telephone consultation is free.
office > 4948 0730
email > Alfred@AlfredHGorman.com
mobile > 0400 67 49 36

Whitsunday Shire Council Web poll

You can vote in Council's regular e-polls.
This Week's poll -- Have you prepared your home for a cyclone?
Vote here - click here to vote

or copy the following line and paste into your browser - http://www.whitsunday.qld.gov.au/Survey/Survey.asp?All=Y

After voting use your browser back button to return to this page

Nov 15, Port of Airlie update breakfast

Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast
Thursday November 15, 7:45am for 8:00am start until 9.00am
Coral Sea Resort - Nautilus Room
$30.00 Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce Members, $35.00 non members
Guest Speaker - Port of Airlie. Update in regards to the Port of Airlie Development. Everyone welcome, please RSVP to gm@coralsearesort.com
Jeff Aquilina Phone : 07 4964 1330

Nov 12, Writers Of Whitsunday group meets

WOW -- Writers Of Whitsunday writers group meets Monday November 12 @ 2pm at Whitsunday Shire Beach Library
Anna Derham, Whitsunday Shire Libraries, Beach Library
Phone: 07 4946 1799

Nov 11, Remember this Sunday

It’s Remembrance Day in Australia, Canada, and United Kingdom, also known as Poppy Day in Malta and South Africa and Veterans Day in the United States. It is Armistice Day in France, New Zealand, and many other Commonwealth countries as that is the original name of the day internationally.
Whichever name, it is the day to commemorate the sacrifice of veterans and civilians in World War I, World War II, and other wars.
In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, the world rejoiced and celebrated. After years of bitter war, an armistice was signed. The "war to end all wars" was over.
The observance is specifically dedicated to members of the armed forces who were killed during war,
King George V created it on 7 November 1919.
Remember with a prayer.
Cannonvale and Proserpine service at Cenotaph and then club.

Nov 11, P&O Sun Princess

P&O Sun Princess (1950 Capacity) arrival
Airlie Beach 8am - 4pm
If you have time to assist the Ambassadors on Sunday, please contact Judi Dunn. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Judi Dunn 0408 285 915 dunnjk@bigpond.com

Jeff Aquilina
Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce

Dec 1, Cyclones – not if, but when

It’s only a matter of time until Whitsunday experiences another cyclone, according to the
Whitsunday Disaster Management Group (WDMG), and the key for this coastal community is
to be prepared.
WDMG Chairman and Shire Mayor Mario Demartini said many people now living in Whitsunday may not have experienced the frightening event that is a cyclone, but he stated unequivocally “the Whitsundays is a cyclone zone”.
“Cyclone season officially begins on December 1,” he said.
Over the coming weeks the WDMG will release further information about preparing for
cyclones, and on December 1 will stage a cyclone information session at Centro Whitsunday
Shopping Centre. Further information - Whitsunday Shire Council --

Nov 12 & 13, Clubs to learn new methods

"Clubs to learn new methods"
Airlie Beach Sport and Recreation volunteers have the opportunity to learn about innovative ways to run their committees during a workshop being held at Whitsunday PCYC next Monday and Tuesday evenings.
The free workshop which is being conducted by The State Department of Sport and Recreation is part of a series of Queensland Government initiatives to discuss current issues facing the sport and recreation industry.
Brisbane presenter Leisa Donlan will take clubs through a number of strategies including, how to avoid the cardboard box handover, how to make volunteering a fun experience, ways of finding quality people for the committee, as well as providing participants with tips and resources to plan for and cope with change.
Leisa Donlan is a CEO of an international non profit organisation, holds a fellowship in Governance and will draw on many years of working on various sporting committees during her presentation.
Monday 12 November 2007 (Part A) and Tuesday 13 November 2007 (Part B), 6pm - 9pm
The workshop will commence at 6pm both evenings and registrations can be made by contacting The Department of Sport and Recreation on (07) 4982 1510 or email rsvp@srq.qld.gov.au.

Program Co-ordinator position

Program Co-ordinator
Good Beginnings Home Based Family Support Program Co-ordinator with the George Street Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated. This position is a full time position - 38 hours per week (fixed term 12 month contract - maternity relief).
For a copy of the position description, pamphlets (Good Beginnings Home Based Family Support Program and George Street Neighbourhood Centre) and the selection criteria, Please direct further enquiries to Paula or Nola by phoning 4957 2626.
Good Beginnings Home Based Family Support Program, Mackay
F: (07) 49576728 E: gsnc.hb@bigpond.net.au

Nov 8, Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce General Meeting

Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce General Meeting
General Meeting November 8 -- 7:15am for 7:30am start
Reef Gateway Hotel
Contact : Jeff Aquilina
Phone : 07 4964 1330
Email : gm@coralsearesort.com

Nov 10 - A Touch of Class - Cocktail Party

Déjà Vu Restaurant @ Waters Edge Resort
November 10 6.30 till 10.00pm
Champagne Cocktail on Arrival - Delectable Finger Food
Beautiful Music by Danni
Tickets $35 from CE Smith & Co Main Street Proserpine
and Renee at House of Hair 0412 448 805
In Support of Relay for Life 2008
Hosted by Quota International of Whitsunday Inc.

Nov 1, Bridle Path Project Meeting

Meeting Whitsunday Shire Library at Centro, Cannonvale, 7 pm Thursday November 1
Whitsunday Shire Council this week announced it is undertaking planning for a Bridle Path in
the Sugarloaf and Riordonvale area.
The proposed Bridle Path consists of a series of inter-linked circuit tracks, connecting with
Turner Road at the northern end and Gregory-Cannon Valley Road at the southern end.
Acting Chief Executive Officer Phillip Holloway said it is envisaged that the path would be
used by horse riders and pony club members, however there may be other potential users.
“We need to hear the views of local residents and potential users of this trial system,” Mr
Holloway said.
“It is vital we understand our citizens ideas, concerns and aspirations to ensure the path
meets community needs,” he said.
Council has commissioned consultants ROSS Planning Pty Ltd to produce a Master Plan for
the path.
The resulting Bridle Path Master Plan will consider a mix of facilities to encourage and
support use of the area by the wider Whitsunday community, reflecting the natural and rural
setting in which the Path will be located.
Council welcomes any interested residents to attend a community workshop to be held on
Thursday, 1 November at 7pm at the Beach Library, Centro Shopping Centre.

Nov 1 Whitsunday Times Comedy Gala

Thursday From 6:30pm Poolside - Coral Sea Resort
$65.00 per person includes two drinks and nibbles on arrival
"What a great night out!", "Absolutely brilliant, laughed for hours", is what came out of last year’s comedy gala event. This comedy extravaganza will feature the best and brightest in Australian talent. Guest artists include Dave Bloustien, Dave Jory, Eric Hutton and Fred Land as the MC. Fee Whitla, a new local entertaining sensation who will also be showing off her talents in the singing arena.
Contact : Whitsunday Bookings
Phone : 07 4948 2201
Email : tickets@coralsearesort.com

What’s on at the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club

"School's Out for Summer" Junior Disco Friday November 9, 7 - 9 pm

Our brand new gym is open - special rates - check for times

Pilates is a safe, sensible exercise system that will help you look and feel your very best. No matter what your age or condition, it will work for you.
Pilates - starting soon - call 494801144 for a place

Boxing Circuits are popular - includes free crèche 9.30 am Monday and Thursday

PCYC Memberships now good until January 1 2009

Details of all activities and a free email newsletter at

Nov 1, Weed Spotter Workshop

A botanist from the Qld Herbarium will provide training on how to take samples of weeds and press them etc. to send to the Qld Herbarium for official identification and recording of location. This is meant to gather information on the spread of existing weeds as well as early detection of new weeds.
Thursday November 1 at the Proserpine Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Workshop is free of charge and open to anyone. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
There will be an outdoor component to the workshop so hat and closed in shoes needed.
Please RSVP by Tuesday the 30th October and notify of any dietary requirements
More info on weed spotters can be found at http://www.weeds.crc.org.au/projects/project_4_2_2.html
Christine Peterson, Coordinator, Whitsunday Catchment Landcare
Ph: 07 4945 0267 Mob: 0408 187 944

Oct 29, P&O Pacific Star

8am - 4pm at Airlie Beach
P&O Pacific Star - 1350 passenger capacity - arrival
Whitsunday Chamber of Commerce. If you have time to assist the Ambassadors on Monday, please contact Judi Dunn. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Contact : Judi Dunn
Phone : 0408 285 915
Email : dunnjk@bigpond.com

Nov 4, The Fantasea Adventure Cruising Whitsunday Reef Festival Annual Street Parade

This year proudly supported by Whitsunday Transit.
$1600.00 in prize money, it is going to be competitive!
10am until midday - Main Street Airlie Beach
Categories include Best Performance, Best non profit organisation, Best Business, Most unusual and Wacky!
Nicole Graham, 0407 48 3000

Australian Giving Week 2007

Australian Giving Week 2007 will take place around the country from December 3 to 9.
The aim of this annual event is to focus attention on the many ways that individuals, families, businesses, and groups can make a difference to the community in the lead-up to Christmas.
It's about helping people take some small, simple steps that open the way for a better supported, more inclusive, more vibrant community – not just during the Christmas period but all year long as well. Give to a local organisation or check out http://www.givingweek.com.au/

Mackay Regional Community Legal Centre

The Mackay Regional Community Legal Centre Inc. will be providing an outreach legal advice and information service to the residents of the Whitsunday and Bowen Shires.
WHEN: Mondays, fortnightly, By appointment only 4953 1211.
WHERE:Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre, Proserpine Community Centre
If you have any queries, Mackay Regional Community Legal Centre on 4953 1211.

Oct 30, Mistreatment of Older People Awareness Workshops

Cannonvale Neighbourhood Centre 10.00 am
Proserpine Entertainment Centre, Main Street 12.00 pm.
The workshops are being presented by Andrea de Vries of Lifeline Brisbane.
Roz Houston, Community Development Officer
Whitsunday Community Services Inc.
Telephone: 07 4946 7850 - Facsimile: 07 4946 5088
E-mail: cdo@whitnc.org.au
Website: www.whitnc.org.au

Dec 5 & 6, Child Protection: the law, practice & practical tips for community sector workers

December 5 in Moranbah & December 6 in Mackay.
Priority will be given to people in positions recurrently funded by Dept of Communities & Dept of Child Safety.
Anna Pretorius, Health and Community Services Workforce Council Inc
formerly QLD Community Services and Health Industries Training Council Inc
PH: 07 3234 0190
Fax: 07 3234 0474
Visit our website at www.workforce.org.au

Weekly Latin American Dance Class

We have a weekly Latin American Dance Class for Beginners to Advanced now every Monday night at Whitsunday PCYC. Cost is $10.00 class goes from 7.20pm - 9.00pm

Everyone will learn dances like the Cha Cha Cha, Rhumba, Samba, and Jive

In addition, we conduct a free class and dance every Thursday Night at BLUE MOON Lounge in Airlie starting at 7.45 til late. Learn the Salsa and more street Latin dances for free and then enjoy dancing to Latin Rhythms til late. This is the place to be every Thursday Night for all you Latino Dancing lovers.

David & Julie Seymour
Latino Rhythms
M: 0429 461791 or 0415 729230
Email: dj4dance@bigpond.net.au

Oct 28, Car Club Motorkhana

The Whitsunday Sporting Car Club is holding a Motorkhana on Sunday October 28 at the PCYC car park.

The CAMS sanctioned event will show off the driver skills of over a dozen drivers from the local area and Townsville from 10 am until 3 pm.

Additional features of the day are a display of restored motorcars belonging to proud members of the Whitsunday Automotive Restorers Club and a chance to check out the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club.

Whitsunday Sporting Car Club is affiliated with The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Limited (CAMS) the custodian of motor sport in Australia since 1953.

Further information phone Ross on 49465828

Nov 12 - 13 Club Committees

Club Committees Part A & B

Monday 12 November 2007 (Part A) and Tuesday 13 November 2007 (Part B), 6pm - 9pm

Whitsunday PCYC

These workshops presented by Leisa Donlan will cover:
  • your legal obligations as a volunteer committee membercomplying with the law and protecting
  • committee members
  • recruiting new committee members - successful recruitment techniques and tools
  • volunteer recruitment
  • dealing with difficult people
  • roles and responsibilities
  • financial monitoring
  • strategic planning
  • evaluating your committees performance

This workshop is part of a series of Queensland Government initiatives to discuss current issues facing the sport and recreation industry. This workshop is a great learning opportunity for coaches, administrators, instructors and volunteers operating at the grassroots level.

For more information or to register, phone Sport, Recreation and Racing on (07) 4967 0822 or email rsvp@srq.qld.gov.au.

RSVP by Wednesday 7 November 2007

Oct 23, Whitsunday Toastmasters

Whitsunday Toastmasters Club meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at the Reef Gateway.
The mission of a Toastmasters Club is 'To provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills which in turn, fosters self-confidence and personal growth”.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit oganisation and it is the largest organisation in the world dedicated to helping people develop their public and interpersonal communication and leadership skills. Over 3 million people world wide have enjoyed the benefits of Toastmasters membership.
Whitsunday Toastmasters is a positive, supportive and fun club which aims to help its members to achieve their full potential and realise their dream.
We invite you to come along and be our guests, so you can have a look at what you can achieve by being a member of Whitsunday Toastmasters Club.
Oct 23 - 7:00pm to 9:30pm
For Further information please contact: Vice President of Membership, Steve Milliken on 0418 191 634

Oct 21, Quota Club Proserpine Markets

The Quota Club of Whitsunday holds markets in Pioneer Park. Proserpine from 8:00am to lunch time once a month
Sunday 21 October
LOCATION: Pioneer Park, Main Street, Proserpine
CONTACT NAME: Margaret Perkins - Quota Club of Whitsunday PHONE: 0439 416 304

What's on at the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club

Parents! Have an evening out in Airlie Beach!

Drop the kids off at the Whitsunday PCYC for the Junior Pulse Disco on Friday October 12 and enjoy a night out in Airlie Beach.
Just remember to pick the kids up at 9.00 pm!

Special Whitsunday Transit bus leaves Strathdickie 5.50 - Mill St, Proserpine 6pm, Mount Julian, Cannonvale. Return bus leaves PCYC at 9.10 pm.

Members $5 Non-members $7 --- Info 4948 1144

Gymnastics and Jazz Ballet are back on this Saturday morning. Term payments are due

Pilates - starting soon - call for a place


Oct 27, Reef Festival's Wearable Art Parade

Reef Festival's Wearable Art Parade on Saturday October 27 at the Esplanade Dinner Party, Airlie Beach. Recycled items are sewn, glued, taped. wired or welded to take on an exiting new life as a costume.

Rotary Club of Airlie Beach provides prize money $1650

Entry free. Annie Lloyd-Lewis 49483226 or anniell@tpg.com.au

Marine and Coastal Community Network

Wetstuff-News is Marine and Coastal Community Network's electronic news service, providing marine and coastal news of international and national interest.

Articles in this edition can be viewed by clicking on the link at http://www.mccn.org.au/weekly_media.php

If you have marine & coastal news from your area, research institution, community group or know of upcoming events, workshops, seminars or opportunities that we could share, please send to Anne Briggs at: anne@mccn.org.au

October 13, Whitsunday Tourism Awards

Saturday, October 13, Whitsunday Tourism Awards Presentation Gala Hamilton Island Convention Centre,
Theme:Studio 74 Formal attire incorporating Glamorous 70's
Time: Ferry leaves Shute Harbour at 6:00pm for Hamilton Island. Ferry will return to Shute Harbour at 12:00am approx.
Visit www.whitsundaytickets.com to purchase your Whitsunday Tourism Award tickets online NOW!

2007 Fantasea Adventure Cruising Whitsunday Reef Festival

26 October 2007 - 4 November 2007

Our 2007 Festival is set to impress with events encompassing and showcasing all aspects of the Whitsundays' lifestyle - including carnivals, fireworks, food, wine, comedy, live music, theatre, fashions and fun for the kids!
Please take a tour of our web site and you will see, on our program, a number of innovative and exciting activities over 10 days that are set to inspire young and old!
We hope you become as enthused about the Festival as we are, and look forward to welcoming you in October!

New UV Alert a reminder to keep safe from the sun

The Bureau of Meteorology now includes ultra violet alerts in selected
weather forecasts around Australia in a bid to increase community awareness
of the risks posed by exposure to ultra violet radiation from the sun.
Existing forecasts which include a UV Index will now include an indication of
the time of day that a UV Alert is in force.
For instance: UV Index: 10 [Very high] UV Alert between 9.30am and 5.30pm
According to the Assistant Minister for the Environment and Water Resources,
the Hon John Cobb MP, the expanded alert is timely considering that
Australia is the skin cancer capital of the world.
“These new warnings are a timely reminder to the Australian community to be
SunSmart, and to protect themselves from the sun during the most dangerous
part of the day,” Mr Cobb said.
UV Alerts are available in newspapers and some television and radio
broadcasts. They are also available in a range of forecasts issued via the
Bureau website at www.bom.gov.au
Click link for full report

September 25, Child Friendly Community Action Group

September 25, CFCAG

The Child Friendly Community Action Group (CFCAG)
Please help or will have no other option than to close this group.
Meeting will be held at 1.00 Tuesday, September 25, Endeavour Room, Cannonvale Neighborhood centre.

Judy Williams, Whitsunday Women’s Service.

Oct 6, Whitsunday Coast Scout Day

Oct 6


The scout group will be offering car washes and holding a sausage sizzle from 11am-2pm.
On the Saturday October 6 the Shell Cannonvale Service Station is sponsoring the Whitsunday Scout Group by donating .02c per litre to the scouts from all sales of fuel on the day.
Support your local scouts and your local service station and come and fill up on the day. The Shell Service station is on Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale and are open between 5am until 9pm.

Hope to see you there Kathy Ball Leader in Charge Whitsunday Coast Group, If you need to contact me with any questions my number is 49 467 106 ah