2007 Whitsunday PCYC Motorcycle Toy Run and Family Day
Sunday December 2,
2007 PCYC 12th Annual Toy Run Ride to Proserpine and return to PCYC, Show and Shine, Kids Jumping Castle, Live Band, Kids motorcycle 'Joy Rides' and Tug-O-War Tournament.
You or your company can contribute by: Getting together a Tug-O-War team. The Whitsunday Police and the Hamilton Island Motorcycle Club are already entered.
Join the Toy Run - entry $10 includes badge. Donate toys, blankets or canned food either at the PCYC or along the route of the Toy Run.
Entering the motorcycle show and shine.
Bring the whole family .
Supported by, Whitsunday PCYC, Hamilton Island Motorcycle Club, Queensland Police, Illusions, Whitsunday Shire Council.
Further information Geoff 0414594578 or Whitsunday PCYC 49481144