6 July, Whitsunday Wedding & Party Expo

 Quota International of Whitsunday


Whitsunday Wedding & Party Expo

Sunday, July 6 - 10am-4pm

Reef Gateway Hotel - Cannonvale

Showcasing the finest wedding & party exhibitors the region has to offer.

Entry $3.00 - money raised donated to local charities.



4MK Friday June 20.doc

4MK Friday June 20 with Meech & Wench– Aargh!

Cap'n Dan Van Blarcom   -- Landline:

Friday after 8.30 news


Ahoy Meech and Teegs,


Proserpine Show Day


International Talk Like a Pirate Day in Airlie Beach Saturday September 20.

ITLaPDiAB in 91 days – We could have a Buccaneer's weekend? How about a pirate and wench Cannon Ball?


Marine crew centre opens at Abel Point Marina will provide communication, support and information for local marine crew. WCBIA Crew committee,


Master Blaster Laser Regatta – So, what's a Laser?

A Laser is an Olympic class off beach sail boat, 14 feet (4 metres) long-

Older Laser sailors – Masters and apprentice Masters are invited to the Master Blaster Laser Regatta held as part of he 19th Airlie Beach Race Week August 17. Info - Whitsunday Sailing Club web site.


Neighbourhood Centre Op shop – This week there is ice skates, snow skis, the best fondue set, camping gear, toys, clothes, household items. Hazelwood Court, Cannonvale or Cannonvale Markets.


Change old incandescent for new power saving light globes with Council – 2500 exchanged so far – target 15,000 – closes on June 30


End on:  Men's Health Dinner Seminar this Saturday at the Proserpine RSL with information and tickets from Whitsunday Doctor's Service.


Aargh! All part of the Best    Weekends     of all time on 4MK


ABC Radio Tropical North Thursday June 19.doc

ABC Radio Tropical North Thursday June 19,

Cap'n Dan Van Blarcom – Whitsunday –



Marine crew centre opens at Abel Point Marina will provide communication, support and information for local marine crew. WCBIA Crew committee,


Laser sailors – Masters and apprentice Masters invited to the Master Blaster Laser Regatta held as part of he 19th Airlie Beach Race Week August 17. Info - Whitsunday Sailing Club web site.


Neighbourhood Centre Op shop – ice skates, skis, the best fondue set, camping gear, toys, clothes, household items. Hazelwood Court, Cannonvale or Cannonvale Markets.


Change old for new light globes with Council – 2500 so far – target 15,000


After a busker recently spent some time singing the blues in the Whitsunday police lockup, community members are petitioning Council to allow busking. We have heard there is a permit system in place, but there has never been a permit issued.


Men's Health Dinner Seminar this Saturday at the Proserpine RSL with information and tickets from Whitsunday Doctor's Service.


End on:  Proserpine Show Day tomorrow – see you there!


That's all we have time for this morning on ABC Radio, here in the beautiful, tropical north.


ABC Radio Tropical North Thursday June 12.doc

7 mm of liquid sunshine in the rain gauge

Inter Island volleyball on Sunday – most island have entered teams - mainland volleyball teams needed. Call Whitsunday PCYC for details and times. (PCYC 4948114)

Whitsunday Ngaro Sea Trail unveiled 4 pm Friday at QPWS/EPA offices Jubilee Pocket. (Damian Head EPA Regional Manager 4967 7358)

Junior Friday the 13th disco at the PCYC – special bus will be running.

Friday 13th Prepare to be scared – Whitsunday Game Fish Club from 8 pm

End on: Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc. General Meeting tonight Thursday June 12 7.00 p.m. at the Proserpine Entertainment Centre - open to the public

FW: What's on at the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club

What's on at the Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club

Friday the 13th junior disco this Friday night from 7 until 9 pm prizes and dancing. New limbo music. Get together with your friends. Fun, safe atmosphere for school agers. Sports Park Jubilee Pocket.
Members $5 Non members $7. A special Whitsunday Transit bus will pick up at Strathdickie at 5.50 pm, Youth Space, Chapman Street 6 pm, Mill St 6.05 pm, Mount Julian, Cannonvale. Depart PCYC 9 pm.

Island and Mainland competition. The Whitsunday Inter Island Indoor Volleyball Challenge 2008 is being held at Whitsunday PCYC Sunday 15th June. Team registrations close Thursday 12th June. Enquiries and registrations to Ake on 0416738922 or arapana@hamiltonisland.com.au or PCYC 49481144 and pcycwhit@bigpond.net.au

NEW! Gymnastics @ P.C.Y.C has weekday classes, open to all ages and abilities, Kindy Jim, Adults, Beginners and Advanced. Classes Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Contact Head Coach Vicki - 0432 179342 or P.C.Y.C. 4948 1144

NEW! Belly dancing at the PCYC Amanda 0402310587

Jazz Ballet on Saturday mornings - fun activities for most ages

Yoga Monday 6 pm with Stacey

ActiveKids after-school activity for youth at the Whitsunday PCYC. Monday and Wednesdays 4 -5 pm - 8 - 16 years

South Pacific Tae Kwon-Do - The Ultimate in Self Defence & Fitness. Perfect for the whole family, Mum, Dad and the kids. Beginners to Black Belts all welcome. Monday and Wednesday 6 pm

Monday night Netball. Fun indoor games played in a competitive but friendly manner. Get free updates at http://pcycnetball.blogspot.com/

Boxing Tuesday and Friday nights. From 5.30 with qualified trainer Paul Barrett.

Boxing Circuits are popular - includes free crèche 9.30 am Monday and Thursday mornings. Tuesday and Thursdays evenings Tina cracks the whip at 6.30 pm.

Details of all activities and a free email newsletter at


Tonight (Friday) Reef Discovery Seminar

Tonight (Friday) Reef Discovery Seminar - Presented by David Wachenfeld from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA). David is the Director of the Science, Technology & Information Group at the GBRMPA. His presentation will give you great insight into the workings of such a complex environment as the Great Barrier Reef. Shingley Beach Resort, Airlie Beach Friday, June 6, 7:00pm to 9:00pm. No cost as the program is being sponsored by the OUCH Volunteers with a grant from the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water and supported by GBRMPA and Fantasea.
International Talk Like a Pirate Day in Airlie Beach Saturday September 20.
ITLaPDiAB in 105 days - New pirates coming onboard - Pirate-Wench Nicole Kippin has joined the crew - did I hear about someone being challenged to a duel?
Oceanic Whitsunday Boat and Leisure Show and marine art exhibition this weekend. Great event - check out the local school students boat building comp on Saturday.
WhitFunday at Dingo Beach this Sunday features sand castle comp and cast net, egg throwing and the ladies rolling pin throw. I'm not sure when the world Dummy spit championship is on but if you register before 1 pm you are in the running for $1000.
Next Friday week is Friday the 13th and there are two dress up occasions
1/ Whitsunday Game Fishing Club 
2/ Whitsunday Police Citizens Youth Club junior disco with a dress up theme
Airlie Beach Bowls Club Whitsunday Coast 4's Carnival this weekend. Contact Airlie Beach Bowls Club for details

Big weekend in Whitsunday

Reef Discovery Seminar - Presented by David Wachenfeld from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA).  David is the Director of the Science, Technology & Information Group at the GBRMPA.  His presentation will give you great insight into the workings of such a complex environment as the Great Barrier Reef. Shingley Beach Resort, Airlie Beach Friday, June 6, 7:00pm to 9:00pm. no cost as the program is being sponsored by the OUCH Volunteers with a grant from the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water.


Oceanic Whitsunday Boat and Leisure Show and marine art exhibition this weekend.


WhitFunday at Dingo Beach on Sunday


There is always the Lion's Club Airlie Beach markets on the foreshore every Saturday morning

Pteropus scapulatus

In case you are interested, the Pteropus scapulatus is also known as the little red flying-fox.
You can enjoy a presentation about Flying Foxes from Parks and Wildlife officer Peter Sykes and Fauna Carer Cathie Shoesmith about different species of flying foxes, why these creatures are vital to our environment, the threats they face and the latest project in trying to map their colonies; - as well as our usual project updates.
Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc. General Meeting
Thursday 12th June, 7.00 p.m. at the Proserpine Entertainment Centre
Our meetings are open to the public. Feel free to bring others along who may be interested in our special presentations.
Christine Peterson, Coordinator
Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Inc.
PH: 07 4945 0267
All the events under the Whitsunday Sun http://whitsundaywhatson.blogspot.com/