4MK Friday June 20 with Meech & Wench– Aargh!
Cap'n Dan Van Blarcom -- Landline:
Friday after 8.30 news
Ahoy Meech and Teegs,
Proserpine Show Day
International Talk Like a Pirate Day in
ITLaPDiAB in 91 days – We could have a Buccaneer's weekend? How about a pirate and wench Cannon Ball?
Marine crew centre opens at
Master Blaster Laser Regatta – So, what's a Laser?
A Laser is an Olympic class off beach sail boat, 14 feet (4 metres) long-
Older Laser sailors – Masters and apprentice Masters are invited to the Master Blaster Laser Regatta held as part of he 19th Airlie Beach Race Week August 17. Info - Whitsunday Sailing Club web site.
Neighbourhood Centre Op shop – This week there is ice skates, snow skis, the best fondue set, camping gear, toys, clothes, household items.
Change old incandescent for new power saving light globes with Council – 2500 exchanged so far – target 15,000 – closes on June 30
End on: Men's Health Dinner Seminar this Saturday at the Proserpine RSL with information and tickets from Whitsunday Doctor's Service.
Aargh! All part of the Best Weekends of all time on 4MK