Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Meeting Tuesday Feb 8

Dear WCL Members
Our next General Meeting is:
Date:   Tuesday the 8th of February 2011
Time:   7.00 PM
Venue: Proserpine Canegrowers Boardroom
, 88 Main Street Proserpine (entrance to boardroom from car park at rear of building, driveway between Canegrowers and CE Smith & Co.).
As well as our usual agenda items we also have Comment on Whitsunday Region Council's Natural Resource Management Items – Draft NRM Strategy for public comment and Plastic Bag survey: open discussion resulting in submission from WCL to WRC. Also, the WRC Pest Management Plan – opportunity to ask questions of Scott Hardy from WRC. (40 min)
Go to the following links for your interest:
Draft WRC Natural Resource Management Strategy
Plastic Bag Community Survey Form
Approved Pest Management Plan - for those interested in how council manages pests
Christine Peterson | Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Facilitator | Reef Catchments
83-85 Main Street, Proserpine QLD 4800 | PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800
P: (07) 4945 0267 | F: (07) 4945 0222