Dear WCL Members
Our next General Meeting is:
Date: Tuesday the 8th of February 2011
Time: 7.00 PM
Venue: Proserpine Canegrowers Boardroom, 88 Main Street Proserpine (entrance to boardroom from car park at rear of building, driveway between Canegrowers and CE Smith & Co.).
Time: 7.00 PM
Venue: Proserpine Canegrowers Boardroom, 88 Main Street Proserpine (entrance to boardroom from car park at rear of building, driveway between Canegrowers and CE Smith & Co.).
As well as our usual agenda items we also have Comment on Whitsunday Region Council's Natural Resource Management Items Draft NRM Strategy for public comment and Plastic Bag survey: open discussion resulting in submission from WCL to WRC. Also, the WRC Pest Management Plan opportunity to ask questions of Scott Hardy from WRC. (40 min)
Go to the following links for your interest:
Draft WRC Natural Resource Management Strategy
Plastic Bag Community Survey Form
Approved Pest Management Plan - for those interested in how council manages pests
Christine Peterson | Whitsunday Catchment Landcare Facilitator | Reef Catchments
83-85 Main Street, Proserpine QLD 4800 | PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800
P: (07) 4945 0267 | F: (07) 4945 0222
83-85 Main Street, Proserpine QLD 4800 | PO Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800
P: (07) 4945 0267 | F: (07) 4945 0222