Presentation May 18 at Reef Gateway Hotel 7pm

Free Beyond Zero Emissions Presentation Night

Sponsored by the Whitsunday Local Marine Advisory Committee


Tired of hearing about the problems associated with Climate Change?


How about some positive solutions?

Beyond Zero Emissions is an award-winning, independent, not-for-profit organization whose goal is to help facilitate a timely transition to a zero carbon future where atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are reduced to a safe threshold. The group focuses on research, education and promotion of scientifically-based policy and technology solutions in order to realise this transition.


Solar and wind can supply Australia's energy needs within 10 years. The Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan is a 10 year roadmap for 100% renewable energy in Australia. The Plan has been designed by a broad coalition of engineers, academics, and industry experts, is fully costed, uses proven, existing, renewable technologies, can be built within the next decade & produces zero carbon emissions.


The Beyond Zero Emissions forum will discuss what steps need to be taken now to make it a reality.



There will be a free presentation by Matthew Wright, Executive Director of Beyond Zero Emissions, at the Reef Gateway Hotel at 7pm on Wednesday 18th of May.


Matthew's presentation is sponsored by the Whitsunday Local Marine Advisory Committee.


This is a must-see for anyone who is interested in real, practical solutions to climate change.


For more information about Beyond Zero Emissions, please see: