Rugby Union School Holiday Clinic on Friday (this Friday!) 28th September

Rugby Union School Holiday Clinic on Friday (this Friday!) 28th September 2012 at the Whitsunday Sportspark. The commencement time will be 8.30am and concludes at 3pm. Please be prompt at pick up time as all staff are volunteers!!

I have included a registration form which is required for insurance purposes. Please fill in and bring with you on the morning with $30 cash or Chq. To all players that played in the 2012 Rugby season you rego forms are still current so will not be needed. Canteen will be open for snacks and drinks so some extra money sent with the children would be good. I will ensure they eat their healthy lunch packed by you before they get stuck into the canteen!!

 As it is heating up please ensure they have sunscreen, hat, and appropriate clothing for a day of rugby. Boots are not essential. Plenty of water. Perhaps freeze a bottle the night before. It will defrost quickly.

 The QLD Reds development officer from Brisbane will be co-ordinating the day with Reds player and coaching staff including our volunteer Junior  coaches and A grade Coach (Hemi) with some A grade players.

See you all Friday, Sharron Pratt

President 0403318866

Whitsunday Junior Rugby Union -  our website