Easter Regatta and Tasar State Titles at the Whitsunday Sailing Club

With less than four weeks to go until the Easter Regatta and Tasar State Titles at the Whitsunday Sailing Club, we are swinging in to the final preparations stage.
 If you have already let us know of your intent to join us by email or phone, thank you, however if you could visit www.easterregatta.com.au, and complete the online forms, this will help us assure we have your bookings for sailing, camping and dining.
 If you haven't already let us know, if you could do so, it will make our job easier and your regatta and stay smoother.
 So far we have 42 boats with registered interest, including 16 Tasars, 8 Lasers and a mix of others including 505's, sharpies and even an 18 foot skiff, so we are looking like we will have a great turn out for the regatta.
 By registering on the website, you will automatically receive updates as we put new information on to the site, so you won't miss any of the critical details.
 The Whitsunday Sailing Club is on the hunt for two entry level Tasars to add to our fleet, so if you have a boat that is in fair condition that is surplus to your needs, please let us know.
 I hope that you can all make it to the regatta, and we look forward to seeing you there.
 Terry Archer

Rear Commodore – Off Beach Sailing