Full time office administration traineeship

One year full time office administration traineeship including reception and general office duties at the Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre
Applications close on Friday 10 April 2009 
Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre
Start date 27th April
Persons re-entering the workforce
Mature age jobseeker over 45 years
Young person 15 - 24
The Neighbourhood Centre has received funding from the Queensland Department of Employment and Training under the First Start Program for this position. The position is a one-year full time traineeship and the person we are looking for will need to undertake training at Level III in office administration and be willing and eager to learn and use their new skills to run our reception and general office area. We are looking for someone who wants to work as part of a team and is able to get along well with a variety of people. We need someone with a positive outlook, who is not afraid to work hard and who has an interest in the work we do at the Neighbourhood Centre.
Applications close on Friday 10 April 2009 and interviews will be held on either April 22 or 23
The successful applicant will begin on 27 April 2009.
You are welcome to visit the Neighbourhood Centre between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm for a look around. We run community development programs, childcare, after school care, opportunity shops and family support programs.
If you have any questions you can phone Mike Peippo on 4946 7850
Kind Regards,
Kylie Nankivell
Community Development Officer
Whitsunday Community Services Inc.
P.O. Box 219
Queensland 4802
Telephone: 07 4946 7850 - Facsimile: 07 4946 5088
Mobile: 0418 156 663
E-mail: cdo@whitnc.org.au
Website: www.whitnc.org.au