This year marks the Centenary of the forming of the Proserpine Citizens' Band in 1910 and a cabaret style concert with a reunion band playing music from all eras is to be held on August 28th at the Proserpine Entertainment Centre to celebrate this event involving past and present members with guest performers and conductors. In the lead up to this concert. There will be static displays in the town and the band will play in various locations around Proserpine where former bands performed in earlier years.
Anyone who wishes to become involved with these celebrations (whether a former band member or not) or can contribute in any way with photographs, memorabilia or anecdotes connected with the band over the years is requested to contact the conductor, Barbara Balma, at 49453886 mob 0412 303760, or myself at 49461169 mob. 0427 461168
Yours sincerely
Rex Robinson, Publicity Officer, Proserpine Citizens' Band
Box 319, Proserpine