MRCSD's strategic planning forum in Proserpine next Thursday 25th March
Who is MRCSD? What do they do?
What are key issues in your local area?
How can MRCSD work with you to address these issues?
MRCSD is our region's social development council and its time for us to set our overall strategic direction. We all know there has been a lot of changes in our communities as well as in the community services sector recently. MRCSD is changing too. We seek to be a representative body for the community but we can't do that without finding out what you all think. So it's time to hit the road and get listening.
Public forums, group meetings and individual interviews will be conducted across the Isaac, Whitsunday and Mackay regional council areas. Everyone from the community, government and industry is welcome to participate.
More details and dates for the public forums are provided in the attached flyer. To RSVP for a public forum or arrange a group or individual interview, call Deborah or Christine on 4957 3088. Details about each venue will be provided soon. We look forward to talking with you, your friends and colleagues or your organisation.
MRCSD's strength comes from the communities it works with let us hear your voice as we travel the region.
Mackay Regional Council for Social Development Ltd (MRCSD)
62 Wellington St Ph: (07) 4957 3088
PO Box 984 Fax: (07) 4951 1701
Mackay Qld 4740 Web:
62 Wellington St Ph: (07) 4957 3088
PO Box 984 Fax: (07) 4951 1701
Mackay Qld 4740 Web: