Dear all,
On Monday 5th July, we will be hosting our next Buddhist Study Group at Villa Botanica. This will be the 3rd in a series of 12 study nights and the topic will be one that you may not be on top of but will definitely be familiar with: meditation. Meditation is something most of us have tried but many of us have a sense of failure about. And yet the benefits once you can truly still your mind are boundless: increased energy, creativity, inner calm, happiness and self esteem.
The session will be led by Venerable Tenzin Namdag. For those of you who are yet to attend one of our monthly learning sessions, Namdag is an Australian Buddhist nun, formerly a successful businesswoman, who has trained in the tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She has run many courses in the US, worked with Bill Gates as well as many inspiring spiritual teachers. In this next session, Namdag will show you different types of meditation and how to train your mind to do what you want it to do and attain a very alert state in which you protect your mind from being disturbed by unnecessary thoughts. Meditation is not an end in itself but when combined with greater wisdom is a key tool in attaining peace and happiness.
Session time: 6.30 pm 8.30pm approx.
Date: Monday 5th July2010
Place: Villa Botanica, at the end of Botanica Drive, off Paluma Rd. (for directions see map attached)
There is no cost but a donation is appreciated
Tea and coffee served afterwards, BYO plate of food.
Please note we have limited space so if you wish to attend please confirm as soon as possible by return email.
If you need any more information on the evening, please call me on the mobile below. For more general info, go to
Best wishes,
Janet Hogan
FREE CALL 1800 795 990
M 0427 145 577