Fitness focus entirely on YOUR health and fitness

We would like to introduce our new fitness concept that may appeal to some of the staff there, someone else you know or perhaps even yourself! (yes, YOU!) Smile emoticon
An exciting weekend getaway in the Whitsundays where you focus entirely on YOUR health and fitness. No cooking! No dishes! No mowing the lawns! Your time to run, hop, skip, jump, climb mountains, get dirty, overcome fears and push yourself beyond what you ever thought you could.
It IS full on, but  we will certainly cater to each individuals fitness levels - so a fantastic break for the fitness enthusiast who wants to spike up their training routine OR for those who want to kickstart a healthier lifestyle, and everyone inbetween!
Participation is limited to the first 14 bookings
You can get further information from the website or please feel free to contact either myself or Michelle with any questions you may have.
Kind regards
Ann Parrott 0412 753 899 Michelle Murphy 0429 482 023
An intense training weekend where the focus is entirely on YOU