Whitsunday Aero Club - spirits not dampened

Good Morning
I have just spoken to Garry Poole regarding the Lake Side breakfast, unfortunately due to past and forecast weather he has decided to postpone the event to a later date.
Garry wasn't concerned about:-
·         The low cloud and poor visibility
·         Wet strip
·         Long grass on the strip
·         Aircraft or cars getting bogged
His main concern was:-
·         A squadron of aircraft arriving and not being able to leave
·         And that he would be eaten out of house and home
 Garry is intending to attend a WAC Inc club meeting in the near future and give everyone a good briefing on both of his airfields.
 Regarding tomorrows, March 18th,  club day at the WAC Inc club rooms – It may not be a good day for flying but, if the roads are open, there is no reason why we can not partake in clubroom activities such as movies/DVD showing, flight planning, general aviation talk, and oh yes a BYO BBQ.
R S (Stan) Wright
Whitsunday Aero Club Inc.
P: 07 4946 7854
M: 0407 165 751