2012 Peoples' Day - Whit Sunday May 27

2012 Peoples' Day – Whit Sunday May 27

Affordable Family Fun Day

Whitsunday community celebrating the naming of Whitsunday by James Cook in 1770

The Lions Club are having a Classic Car and Motorbike Rally on the foreshore.

Special Lions Sunday markets.

Check out and Try Sailing @ Whitsunday Sailing Club

Sailability is sailing for everyone @ Whitsunday Sailing Club

Get out and bring the family down to the seafront for free activities

Bring your Teddy and a blanket and have your own Teddy Bear's Picnic

Enjoy the free BBQs along the waterfront and lagoon supplied by Whitsunday Council.

Busker's invited – Singing – more?

 Sailability – sailing for disabled

Kite flying – prepare for the unexpected!

Blessing of the Fleet at 11 am – off the Sailing Club

Affordable fun for the whole family

The community performance itself, simply called "SWEET",

Mrs Lynnette Fenton

6 O'Hanlon Crescent

MT JULIAN  Q  4800





Mr Bob Barford

P O Box 1393


0407 895 011


17th May 2012


Hello to you all,


Early in June, just as the harvest starts, there will be a gathering of a number of community groups and individuals around Proserpine and the Whitsundays

to prepare for a show which will celebrate our town and the district.

The venue is the Proserpine entertainment Centre,

the date is Saturday 2nd June.

Proceedings will start at 6:00pm


There will be a bar and nibbles available.
It will give us a chance to meet each other and to talk about the production.
We may also have a little music and fun so bring any instruments and your voices.
Please invite all the members of you group and any friends you think may wish to participate in this event.
We still need back-stage help as well as a couple of good male singers.

The community performance itself, simply called "SWEET", is set for Saturday 21st July, and will also be presented at the Proserpine Entertainment Centre.

Featuring music,song, dance skits and stories, we will wind our way through history and local anecdotes.

There will be static and interactive displays. And plenty of opportunities to join in and sing-a-long.


There will be displays in the foyer and local finger food and nibblies available. The show itself will start at 7:30 and run for about 2 hours.

At the conclusion a local desert delicacy will be served.

I hope to see you there on Saturday 22nd June.
Please let me know if you can make it
All the best,
Bob Barford

"Will, lived to Ride", and Fundraising at Pinnacle Hotel

"Will, lived to Ride", and Fundraising at Pinnacle Hotel
 Our son Will was killed on the Ron Camm bridge on 20th May 2011.
We are getting together with family and friends of Wills',
on Sunday 20th at the harbour leaving at 10am to ride or drive to Pinnacle Hotel.
 At 1pm there is going to be raffles and auction of goods, vouchers, services
from the local business. The fundraising money is going to "The Compassionate
Friends", they are people that have supported us (Dobbins Family) through
the grieving stages on the loss of our son William.
Also making a awareness that there is someone whom has loss a
Child and supporting families, knowing that they are not alone.
"The Compassionate Friend" are a group of people who have grieved and
are helping families that there is someone to lean on and talk to.
Thank you,
For your support.
Yours Sincerely,
Beth and Glen Dobbins,
49522339 or 0448522339.

BUSH DANCE with Bob Barford and friends

BUSH DANCE with Bob Barford and friends
Uniting Church Hall Herbert Street Proserpine
Saturday 19th May 7pm.
Dance only. Adults $10 Family $25 Concessions $5 under 5 free
Ph Bob 4945 5190/0407 895 011

Have you visited www.whitsundayaeroclub.com

Hi Everyone

Have you visited www.whitsundayaeroclub.com/ if you haven't had a look, clink on the link save it to your favourite's and check it out.  If you had a look last week checks it out again as there is a great new video and up dated news and don't forget the blog.  The site will be updated every Friday with new and exciting news, events and more.  If you want something included just send us an email.

It getting closer to the 20th May (our next club day) and it would be great to have as many people there as possible, the more the merrier.  To assist in organizing please RSVP to Karen ASAP, she will forwards more information about the day activities. Look forward to seeing you there.

Have any idea's for events let us know, Karen wants to organize a fly/drive into Ravenswood in June/July where we will host a murder dinner in the evening.  Should be lots of fun and laughs.  Let us know if you're interested.

Please forward all emails to whitsundayaeroclub@hotmail.com

We are very sorry if you are not the intended recipient or wish to remain off our email list please let us know.
The wind beneath your wings.
WAC Management Committee

A weekend of adventure where the focus is entirely on YOU.

Good morning,
We would like to bring to your attention the next weekend fitness escape that may appeal to some of the staff there or perhaps even yourself! 
An exciting weekend where you focus entirely on YOUR health and fitness. No cooking! No dishes! No mowing the lawns!
With the premium destination of Hamilton Island it's a fantastic break for the fitness enthusiast who wants to spike up their training routine OR for those who want a kickstart to a healthier lifestyle, and everyone inbetween!
The weekend includes accommodation, meals and a variety of fitness and health sessions that are certain to ignite the desire to transform your fitness routine.
Attached is an A4 poster. We would really appreciate if you could post it on your notice board for anyone who may have an interest to view also.
You can get further information from the website or please feel free to contact either myself or Michelle with any questions you may have.
Kind regards
Ann Parrott 0412 753 899 • Michelle Murphy 0429 482 023
A weekend of adventure where the focus is entirely on YOU.

Cruise Tourism Forum - The Whitsundays

Cruise Tourism Forum – The Whitsundays
Wednesday 13 June 2012,
8.45am (for 9.00am start) to 12.30pm, followed by a light lunch.
At Peppers Coral Coast, Mt Whitsunday Drive, Airlie Beach
RSVP to wendy.hanson@tq.com.au
Tourism Queensland will conduct a second Cruise Ship industry forum in The Whitsundays in June, designed for anyone who is currently involved, and those who want to become involved in the growing cruise ship market. Topics will include:
·        The economic benefits of the cruise industry and projected growth;
·        An update on the Whitsunday 2011/12 season;
·        An overview of which cruise ships will be in Queensland in the season ahead;
·        The release of the Cruise Passenger Surveys and QLD Port Experience Audit results;
·        How the cruise industry works from the perspective of the Cruise Lines and Inbound Tour Operators, and how tourism operators can work with them.



Whitsunday Writers Festival

Whitsunday Writers Festival 20-22 July 2012

Coral Sea Resort Airlie Beach

Monday, May 7, 2012

This year's line up is quite awesome and includes: Leeza Baric freelance writer, mentor and editor who will run the Creative Writing Workshop. Sarah L'Estrange is a producer on Books and Arts Daily on ABC Radio National. She was producer for 5 years on The Book Show. She has met many writers, publishers and publicists in the process. Prof. Chris Turney is a British geologist with an Australian Research Laureate Fellowship with the University of NSW. Author of popular science books Bones, Rocks & Stars: The Science of When Things Happened and Ice, Mud and Blood: Lessons From Climates Past and has been called 'the new David Livingstone'. Dr Leslie Cannold is an author, commentator, ethicist, researcher and social activist and named 2011 Australian Humanist of the Year. In 2005, Leslie was listed as one of Australia's top 20 public intellectuals. Leslie is an adjunct fellow at the School of Philosophy, Anthropology & Social Inquiry at the University of Melbourne and senior lecturer at the Monash Institute of Health Services Research. She is president of Reproductive Choice Australia, a national coalition of pro-choice organisations that played a key role in removing the ban on the abortion drug RU486 in 2006 and of Pro Choice Victoria, which was instrumental in the decriminalisation of abortion in Victoria in 2008. She is also a Dying with Dignity ambassador for law reform. David Hill has had a remarkable career including chairman ABC, Australian Football and Railways Australia, Sydney Water and CREATE, responsible for representing the interests of children in institutional care. He is author of bestsellers The Forgotten Children, 1788 and The Gold Rush. This promises to be an entertaining weekend where authors and guests will mix over wine and good food. Special rates at Coral Sea for participants. Accommodation can be booked through Coral Sea Resort direct. PROGRAMME Friday Creative Writing workshop ($95) Drinks 5.30 pm. Saturday conference 9-5 pm includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Gala dinner on the jetty. Sunday conference 9-12 and farewell lunch ($395 inclusive) TO BOOK send cheque to Whitsunday Writers Festival, P O Box 1400, Airlie Beach 4802 or direct payment Commonwealth Bank account 064826 10220777 and send email to GloriaBurley@bluepeace.com.au  Call Gloria on 0422026793 for further details. FLIGHTS to Hamilton Island or Proserpine can be booked through your local agent.

Go to  http://www.wowfestival.blogspot.com.au/ for updates.