Have you visited www.whitsundayaeroclub.com

Hi Everyone

Have you visited www.whitsundayaeroclub.com/ if you haven't had a look, clink on the link save it to your favourite's and check it out.  If you had a look last week checks it out again as there is a great new video and up dated news and don't forget the blog.  The site will be updated every Friday with new and exciting news, events and more.  If you want something included just send us an email.

It getting closer to the 20th May (our next club day) and it would be great to have as many people there as possible, the more the merrier.  To assist in organizing please RSVP to Karen ASAP, she will forwards more information about the day activities. Look forward to seeing you there.

Have any idea's for events let us know, Karen wants to organize a fly/drive into Ravenswood in June/July where we will host a murder dinner in the evening.  Should be lots of fun and laughs.  Let us know if you're interested.

Please forward all emails to whitsundayaeroclub@hotmail.com

We are very sorry if you are not the intended recipient or wish to remain off our email list please let us know.
The wind beneath your wings.
WAC Management Committee