Whitsunday Writers Festival

Whitsunday Writers Festival 20-22 July 2012

Coral Sea Resort Airlie Beach

Monday, May 7, 2012

This year's line up is quite awesome and includes: Leeza Baric freelance writer, mentor and editor who will run the Creative Writing Workshop. Sarah L'Estrange is a producer on Books and Arts Daily on ABC Radio National. She was producer for 5 years on The Book Show. She has met many writers, publishers and publicists in the process. Prof. Chris Turney is a British geologist with an Australian Research Laureate Fellowship with the University of NSW. Author of popular science books Bones, Rocks & Stars: The Science of When Things Happened and Ice, Mud and Blood: Lessons From Climates Past and has been called 'the new David Livingstone'. Dr Leslie Cannold is an author, commentator, ethicist, researcher and social activist and named 2011 Australian Humanist of the Year. In 2005, Leslie was listed as one of Australia's top 20 public intellectuals. Leslie is an adjunct fellow at the School of Philosophy, Anthropology & Social Inquiry at the University of Melbourne and senior lecturer at the Monash Institute of Health Services Research. She is president of Reproductive Choice Australia, a national coalition of pro-choice organisations that played a key role in removing the ban on the abortion drug RU486 in 2006 and of Pro Choice Victoria, which was instrumental in the decriminalisation of abortion in Victoria in 2008. She is also a Dying with Dignity ambassador for law reform. David Hill has had a remarkable career including chairman ABC, Australian Football and Railways Australia, Sydney Water and CREATE, responsible for representing the interests of children in institutional care. He is author of bestsellers The Forgotten Children, 1788 and The Gold Rush. This promises to be an entertaining weekend where authors and guests will mix over wine and good food. Special rates at Coral Sea for participants. Accommodation can be booked through Coral Sea Resort direct. PROGRAMME Friday Creative Writing workshop ($95) Drinks 5.30 pm. Saturday conference 9-5 pm includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Gala dinner on the jetty. Sunday conference 9-12 and farewell lunch ($395 inclusive) TO BOOK send cheque to Whitsunday Writers Festival, P O Box 1400, Airlie Beach 4802 or direct payment Commonwealth Bank account 064826 10220777 and send email to GloriaBurley@bluepeace.com.au  Call Gloria on 0422026793 for further details. FLIGHTS to Hamilton Island or Proserpine can be booked through your local agent.

Go to  http://www.wowfestival.blogspot.com.au/ for updates.