To all Rugby supporters/players
At this stage the previous committee will step up again but we have a VACANCY which we NEED to fill. Our wonderful Canteen convenor Trish HOERLEIN is moving out of the area so this position has become vacant. The canteen is an excellent income for the club which in turn provides for the low registration fees/kit and equipment we purchase!!! The canteen convenor would require about 3hrs a week including the Friday night. We have heaps of helpers on the night so you won't be stuck in the canteen every Friday night. It will be co-ordinators responsibility to ensure canteen is re-stocked and ready to go on the Friday night (food has been cooked). Trish will be here to help with transition of new convenor. For more information please contact Sharron PRATT ASAP.
VICE PRESIDENT : VACANT , sub- committee leader, sponsorship, rep rugby
To lighten the load of the other committee members we also require assistance with:
Grants: grants have been written, person to monitor what come up and apply
Groundsman: Marking out field, 1hr every Friday for 10 weeks
Cooking: muffins/sweet treats weekly, cooking sausages on the night before games.
Referees: Junior Matches when Mackay visit
Raffle ticket sellers: Major raffle for season, tickets to be sold every Friday night
Together Everyone Achieves More
Although our season is due to start on Friday 13th July many a person has been busily fundraising in the off season. We have an Under 13 team which have been training and are attending the Qld Country Muster carnival in Tieri. As part of their fundraising they have been running sausage sizzles at Bunnings on Saturdays and Sundays. They are due to leave on 5th July and the greater club now need to take over this fundraising avenue. WE NEED HELP!
We have three more Sausage sizzles scheduled for the Rugby club. These sizzle profits will be going straight to the club!!!! So far they have raised between $400 - $500 for the day.
Dates are 7th July, 18th August, 8th September. Craig Spence has organised all food etc all you would have to do is pick the gear/food up. It runs from 8.30 3pm, 2 families for a day (half each) and the kids can help serve.
Chris LANE will co-ordinator roster so pls advise him on or 0488471519
If members/players do not assist in these ways the club will be forced to pass on the expenses to families L
See you all at the MEETING Friday 29th JUNE 5.30PM AT WHITSUNDAY SPORTSPARK
Cheers, Sharron Pratt
Whitsunday Rugby